Advocates for Georgia's Elderly Since 1953


GHCA Awarded CMP Funds

GHCA awarded CMP funds to implement a resident-centered care initiative in multiple skilled nursing care centers across the state of Georgia

GHCA is pleased to share CMS has awarded the Association civil monetary penalty funds to implement a resident-centered care initiative in multiple skilled nursing care centers across the state of Georgia. We are excited for the opportunity to enhance the quality of life for hundreds of deserving elders through this initiative. The funding will allow the Association and other key partners to provide education on the benefits of integrating personalized music into activities and care delivery. Centers who elect to participate will receive support to obtain Music & Memory certification through the Music & Memory organization; equipment to offer personalized playlists to residents who may benefit; equipment to facilitate music assisted bathing; and, instruments for resident's use in music activities.

We want to thank our colleagues within the Culture Change Network of Georgia, the Alzheimer's Association and Alliant Quality along with many others who have supported and cheered us on throughout the application process. A sincere thank you to representatives with the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division and the Region IV CMS office for their guidance- we value our shared goal of enriching the lives of those entrusted to our care. Please look for more detail in the near future. We hope your center will be first in line to take advantage of the program!

