The Georgia Society of Activity Professionals (GSAP) is a GHCA affliate organization comprised of activity directors working in GHCA member centers across the state. The purpose of the society is to promote principles and programs designed to continuously improve resident activities within GHCA facilities; to function as a local and state organization to serve the best interests of the activity directors within GHCA facilities; to encourage, support, and promote programs of continuing education and training for nursing center activity directors; and to establish and maintain active liaison with other health-oriented professional groups.
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Annual Meeting
Ms. Georgia Health Care Association Pageant
GSNHAD Resources
- GSAP Membership Application
- Membership Brochure
- Tips for Posting on Social Media on Behalf of Your Center
- 2020 Media Packet (Includes application information for the Terry J. Bryant Media Awards, National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNCW) tools and resources, and information on the GA Golden Olympics)
- GSAP Bylaws
- History of GSAP
- GSAP State & Council Officer Duties & Responsibilities
- Skip Mulligan Scholarship Information
- Tools for Life, Georgia's Assistive Technology Act Program
Helpful Weblinks
- 2021 AHCA Health Care Observances Calendar
- National Certification Council for Activity Professionals
- National Association of Activity Professionals
- Oriental Trading
- Facebook Page for GSAP