Advocates for Georgia's Elderly Since 1953


Ms. GHCA Pageant to be Rescheduled Due to Threat of COVID-19

Out of an abundance of caution amidst the threat of COVID-19, GHCA feels that it is necessary to reschedule the Ms. Georgia Health Care Association Pageant previously set to take place on April 11. 

While we do not have a new date at this moment, we are working with the Emory Conference Center Hotel to reschedule the event and will notify members as soon as we solidify a new date.
The Ms. GHCA Pageant is undoubtedly our favorite event we host each year, and we know the contestants, center staff, families and friends were certainly looking forward to attending. We do not take our decision to postpone lightly. However, as we continue to learn more about the COVID-19 virus, we felt it important to reschedule the event to protect the contestants who participate, their fellow residents, and center staff. The frail and elderly in your care are the most vulnerable to this virus, and we must do everything we can to minimize the risk that residents will come into contact with the virus while out in the community and become infected.
The deadline for submitting pageant entry forms will remain this Friday, March 13, and we will announce the semi-finalists on March 20. We will share the new date for the Ms. GHCA Pageant in the coming weeks so you can plan to attend.
We appreciate your understanding and your continued support of this wonderful event.  

