Advocates for Georgia's Elderly Since 1953


Cancelled: Social Worker Training Course & Activity Director 36 Hour Course

Following reports of COVID-19 in Georgia, GHCA finds it necessary to cancel the Social Worker Training Course (March 23 - 26) and the Activity Director State Approved 36-Hour Course (March 30 - April 3), both previously scheduled to be held at GHCA Headquarters in Stockbridge.

Our priority is to prevent the virus from spreading to those in your care. Your residents are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 and we need to do all we can to minimize every risk. This step will also allow valuable members of your interdisciplinary team to focus on your center's operations at this time: following strict infection prevention and control procedures, caring for residents, and communicating with families.
Refunds will be issued. If registrants have lodging reserved, it is recommended they contact the hotel as soon as possible and cancel to advert any expenses. GHCA will explore the possibility of rescheduling when it is more responsible to hold the event or consider electronic methods of delivery. GHCA will continue serving as the “go to” organization to meet your education needs.
Please know this action wasn't taken lightly and we sincerely thank you for understanding as we work to support you in your efforts to protect your residents and prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are continuing to evaluate other scheduled in-person events and will keep members updated of any additional cancellations.
GHCA will continue to provide resources and updates related to the COVID-19 virus. In the meantime, continue to check our website for helpful guidance and resources.

