A Message from GHCA President & CEO Tony Marshall and Board Chair Donna Stefano
See below statement from GHCA President & CEO Tony Marshall and Board Chair Donna Stefano.
Our hearts are heavy with recent events in our State and across the country. The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others before them as a result of prejudice and discrimination cannot be ignored. Accordingly, GHCA condemns these senseless acts of violence and acknowledges the pain it has brought. As an Association representing residents and caregivers of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds, we must stand together for equality and justice.GHCA is committed to taking an active role in working against racial inequality. Last year, your GHCA Board of Directors worked to develop a two-year Strategic Plan, which will guide our efforts between 2019 and 2021. One of our Strategic Goals as outlined in the plan was to identify appropriate opportunities to support a diverse and representative leadership. Further, we are committed to continuously evaluating our policies to encourage greater participation in our membership meetings with the goal of ensuring the views of our members of all races, religions and beliefs are represented.
While we are proud of the diversity of our membership, we recognize more can be done and that it is important we take intentional action to ensure the voices of our members of all races are represented. Additionally, we dedicate ourselves to open and ongoing dialogue about race and equality. We will continue to strive for inclusivity and to ensure our actions are representative of our diverse membership as a whole.
If you have questions, ideas, or would like to discuss any of these efforts please do not hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make a positive difference.

Tony Marshall
President & CEO

Donna Stefano