GHCA Education & Research Foundation Applauds Alliant Health Solutions on Grant Supporting the Lucy M. Rogers Nurse Scholarship Program
For Immediate Release
September 29, 2021
Devon Barill, Director of Communications
(678) 783-1703
September 29, 2021
Devon Barill, Director of Communications
(678) 783-1703
“Lucy has made an indelible impact on both the nursing profession and the thousands of nurses she has touched and mentored along the way, and we are so grateful to Alliant Health Solutions for honoring her legacy with this generous grant,” said GHCA Education and Research Foundation Board Chair Dean Shuford. “These funds will assist in the professional development of long term care nurses across the state and support the Foundation's mission to advance quality care and invest in the future of long term and post-acute care in Georgia.”
Lucy Rogers has over 50 years of practice as a nurse. Her support and influence have shaped the long term and post-acute profession as it is today, and she has served as an inspiration and mentor to countless nurses and long term care professionals. In addition to her leadership roles on both the GHCA and Alliant Health Solutions Boards, she has served on the GHCA Education and Research Foundation Board of Directors since 2000. Through her work with the Foundation, she played a pivotal role in the ongoing cultivation of its Nurse Scholarship Program, which was renamed the Lucy M. Rogers Nurse Scholarship Program in her honor in June of 2021.
“Lucy is very special and has been a huge asset to nursing homes in improving quality of care,” said Dennis White, Alliant Health Solutions President and CEO. “This year at the Georgia Health Care Association Summer Convention, they acknowledged her with the slogan, ‘I Love Lucy.' It was such a tribute, and it's true. We all love Lucy. It is our hope that this grant will help continue her efforts for improving quality in nursing homes.”
The funds for the Alliant Community Health Impact Grants are in memory of the late Tom Williams, the past CEO of the Georgia Medical Care Foundation (GMCF), now Alliant Health Solutions. Mr. Williams was a leader at the organization from 1986 – 2004 and was the CEO when Alliant gained the first Georgia Medicaid long term care contract in 1991. During his tenure, Alliant established this grants program to support healthcare education needs in the state of Georgia. These grants have expanded to reach people in many states now who receive care in many settings by hospital, nursing home, and at home with community partners that are dedicated to improving health.
GHCA and Alliant Health Solutions would like to invite our members and friends to consider making a personal donation to the Education and Research Foundation's Lucy M. Rogers Nurse Scholarship Program in honor of Lucy. Online donations can be made via the GHCA website.
Click here to donate to the Lucy M. Rogers Nurse Scholarship Program.
About the GHCA Education and Research Foundation
The Georgia Health Care Association Education & Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that functions to develop, promote and support the professional development and education of individuals who desire to specialize in long-term and post-acute healthcare. Established in 1991, the nursing scholarship program was created to financially assist nurses to obtain or advance their education and to encourage specialization in long term and post-acute care. The program is funded by contributions to and participation in the annual Scholarship Golf Tournament and other donations received throughout the year.
About Alliant Health Solutions
Alliant Health Solutions (AHS) provides professional services supporting the effective administration of healthcare programs and funding to support healthcare improvement initiatives. With employees in 11 states and doing business with 10 states, AHS is a Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractor (NQIIC) under contract with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for quality improvement services. AHS provides federal and state government entities with the services, expertise, and information systems necessary to increase the effectiveness, accessibility, and value of health care. AHS is also the division that manages the Quality Innovation Network – Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) and Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC) work. As a leading provider of innovative health solutions, AHS' services include utilization management, program integrity, and quality improvement while being clinically led, technology driven and customer focused. For more information about AHS and our efforts to improve healthcare quality, visit