Advocates for Georgia's Elderly Since 1953


GHCA SNF F-Tag Review Webinar Series: New Recordings Available for Purchase

The recordings of the first five webinars in the GHCA/GCAL F-Tag webinar series provided to our members through our partnership with Proactive are now available for purchase.

Each recording costs $149.00. However, if you attended a live webinar, you may purchase the recording at a 50% discount with your discount code that was emailed to participants following the webinar. If you attended one or more of these live sessions, and did not receive your discount code(s), please email Barbara Stewart at to receive it.

Below is a list of recordings available to you for purchase:

Comprehensive Review of Regulations and Interpretive Guidance Quality of Life/Quality of Care F675, F684, F697, F698, F744 (Former F309)
This session focuses on the Quality of Life/Quality of Care Regulations including, but not limited to, F-Tags F675, F684, F697, F698, and F744 with a review of the regulations and an analysis of the associated Interpretive Guidance. A review of survey procedures, such as the Pain Recognition and Management, Dialysis, and Dementia Care Critical Element Pathway and/or Surveyor Probes used to guide the investigative process will be discussed. Actual citation examples are shared and discussed. Tools to assist the facility interdisciplinary team in monitoring compliance and incorporating into the facility QAPI processes are discussed.

Click here for more information and to purchase.

Comprehensive review of Regulations and Interpretive Guidance Accidents/Bed Rails F689, F700 (Former F323)
This session focuses on F-Tag 689 & 700 with a review of the regulation and an analysis of the associated interpretive guidance. A review of survey procedures, such as the Accidents Critical Element Pathway and/or Surveyor Probes used to guide the investigative process discussed. Actual citation examples are shared and discussed. Tools to assist the facility interdisciplinary team in monitoring compliance and incorporating into the facility QAPI processes are discussed.

Click here for more information and to purchase.

Comprehensive Review of Regulations and Interpretive Guidance Food Safety F812 & F813
This session focuses on F-Tag 812 & 813 with a review of the regulation and an analysis of the associated Interpretive Guidance. A review of survey procedures, such as the Kitchen Observation and Dining Observation Critical Element Pathways and the Surveyor Probes used to guide the investigative process are discussed. Actual citation examples are shared and discussed. Tools to assist the facility interdisciplinary team in monitoring compliance and incorporating into the facility QAPI processes are discussed.

Click here for more information and to purchase.

Comprehensive Review of Regulations and Interpretive Guidance Infection Control/Antibiotic Stewardship F880-F881
This session focuses on F-Tag 880-881 with a review of the regulation and an analysis of the associated Interpretive Guidance. A review of survey procedures, such as the Infection Prevention, Control, and Immunization Critical Element Pathway and/the Surveyor Probes used to guide the investigative process will be discussed. Actual citation examples will be shared and discussed. Tools to assist the facility interdisciplinary team in monitoring compliance and incorporating into the facility QAPI processes will be discussed.

Click here for more information and to purchase.

Please check the GHCA calendar of events for information on our monthly F-Tag Webinars. Upcoming webinars include:

May 30, 2018                     Pharmacy Services F755, F761 (Former F431)

June 27, 2018                    Comprehensive Care Plans F656 (Former F279) CP Timing & Revision F657 & Professional Standards F658

July 25, 2018                      Unnecessary Drugs F757, F758 (Former F329)

August 29, 2018                 ADL Care for Dependent Residents F677

September 26, 2018           Resident Assessments/Accuracy of Assessments F636-F642

October 31, 2018                Dignity and Respect of Individuality F550 (Former F241)

November 28, 2018            Treatment/Services to Prevent/Heal Pressure Ulcers F686 (Former F314)

December 19, 2018            Bowel/Bladder Incontinence, Catheter, UTI F690

